Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Indies Lineup #1

And now, it's time to do a lineup of current indies VK bands that have been on my radar lately. So, with no further delay, here goes.

RENTRER EN SOI has been on an up-down-up-down kind of release path. With their recent Diruisms, one would expect at least a pinch of awesome, but, even though they've been making good music, it's not really praiseworthy. Their latest album, THE BOTTOM OF CHAOS was a big letdown after all the hype that I had for it. I hate myself and want to... and Amongst Foolish Enemies were amazing singles, and I expected more awesome, and was met with horrible remakes, bland new songs, and overall horrible production. Also, bad PVs. I want to forgive them, but I don't see it getting better from here. Rejected.
Sadie is a good band, who also has their share of Diruisms, but, has been also a bit on the 'disappointment' side. Sorry to say it, but The Bullet Storm hasn't really lasted more than a few listens, and quite frankly, it doesn't have much of an effect on me anymore. A Holy Terrors was a stinker, and the following mini album didn't make up for it. Can't really keep trying to fully support their current direction. No thanks. Rejected.

The Piass is just under Dir en grey on my "List of bands who can do no wrong" list. Dolei is still settling in my ears, but, I know, once I'm used to it, I'll really love it. Takayuki is the coolest VKer ever, because he never sold out or toned down his music or visuals. While I'm most likely missing out on alot about them because I don't live in Japan, I still enjoy him them alot. And the new vocalist is awesome. ..Even though I prefer Takayuki's voice. I was actually expecting disappointment, but they really impressed me. I'm hoping that the chemistry with the new vocalist builds more so that they get a feel for eachother's styles and can write with them better. Approved!
Kaya is getting hard to like. With the freshness of both his voice and his gimmick wearing off, I find it hard to care about anything he does. His vocals have not changed a bit, his music is still Schwarz Stein-ey, and he has done the same thing forever. I'm waiting to see something besides drag queen dance music with drag queen clothing. I'd like to hear him do something more. Sure, die hard fans will eat up anything he does, but I'm sick of him singing to the same beat with the same voice. Sorry, Kaya. Rejected.

Skull is pretty good. They have lots and lots of potential (And this could go either way, with a VK band), and they have a good sense of rhythm. Their key changing and sudden happy choruses are pretty nice. Not much to say about them, since they're so new, but I'm eager to hear more from them. Approved.

Maverick is pure awesome. I can't even begin to explain how much I love their music. I wasn't expecting much out of SILENT DEATH, an, actually, I was expecting a dark rehash of previous songs. Of course, I was forgetting that even though Kray has an odd voice, he has a good sense of vocal harmony and melody. Everything is so.. together. They get the job done with just one guitarist (With a suprising lack of cheating!), and actually have an interesting bassist. Sure there are alot of young angry visual bands out there, but MaveRick stomps them all out. Approved.

Versailles is just another face in the VK crowd. Diddlediddle synth. Widdlumwiddlum guitars. Deep Engrishy vocals. we've heard this a million times. Next. Rejected.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

VK battle! - Mana, Hizaki, and Kisaki

For some reason, Blogger keeps shoving the table to the bottom of the page. So. It's down there.

VK Battle!
Has played in various VK bands Was in Malice Mizer Has played in nearly every band in existence (Including Antifeminism and Dir en grey's first incarnation)
Has a solo project, is now in somewhat of a supergroup Has a solo project Has a solo project, leads another solo project band
Plays guitar, loves solos Plays guitar, loves tremelo picking Plays.. bass
Synth, synth, and more synth Harpsichord, piano, and gothic soundscapes ..synth?
Power metal Gothic metal Visual kei
Is on.. some label Owns a label, only he is active on it Owns a label, steals people's money with it
Mad guitar skills Fashion label, models it himself Tax evasion
Is going places Has been places Is in places
Monotonous music Uninspired music Boring music

So, Hizaki's got the talent, Mana's got the brains, and Kisaki's got the money and connections. So, who wins? Mana. Mana has been in an amazing band, one of about 8 90's visual bands that people can name right off the top of their heads, started a craze of fangirls thinking he started the lolita fashion, dominates GLB, and while he's at it, swiftly earns the money of die hard fans across the globe. How does he do it? I don't know. Kisaki, however, I can understand why he's so rich and how he dominates Cure with a band that was supposed to be disbanded like a year ago.