Sunday, April 16, 2006

Deadman - In the Direction of Sunrise and Night Light

So, it HAS been a while. Sorry about that! I'm gonna be reviewing more often now! Promise! I just needed something TO review. I didn't wanna do a short review of some single or anything, so I waited until I heard another album that caught my attention. This is the one.

Star Baby - An odd opening to a gothy-sounding album, eh? It's all.. high energy. I actually like it. It's just a little too short. ..And leads the listener into a room of.. uh.. darkness and bleak feelings?

Rip Roll Soil - ...Or not. ...Or maybe I was right. I'm not sure. This song is odd. It's boring in the way a Kiyoharu song is. You WANT it to do something, and it never does anything besides the fact that Deadman has Kiyoharu syndrome. Excellent riffage and cool melodies that are actually sorta messy sounding, but still cool, but they do nothing WITH that riffage.

Raison D'etre - I thought of Dir en Grey when I saw the title. But.. fortunately, I never heard the Dir en Grey song of this name. ..As for this song though, it's good. Very good. It has this kind of.. 90's sound to it, like most of this album. Overall, a great song, but also missing the 'something' that it needs to do. I think if 12012 had this song in their hands, they'd totally.. make it really good. I just don't like the abrupt stop-change-end thing.

When the Saints Come Marching In - Ehh. Mako's voice made me literally shudder. For real. Physically. He should never hit-- I mean attempt to hit notes that high. The music's boring too.

Asthena Bullet Stain - This song is SO Alice In Chains! Instrumental-wise, anyway. ..But way more boring. It needs more riffage and less Mako. I don't like what he did with it.

Additional Cause For Sorrow - I really don't wanna diss Deadman, because they have cool ideas. But.. this song sucks.

Follow the Night Light - YES. YES YES YES. This is wonderful. The PV is pretty cool too. This is the song that just gives me this feeling of "this should be a mini-album". Here, everything sounds so headbob-able. The riffs are cool and the bass sounds awesome. Mako even sounds great. I'd go on and gush about this song, but I'll spare you.

Fragile Sandy - Tastes like... filler!

Dim Quiet - Well this song is cool. Mako sounds like he's at least slightly irritated, and not his usual "sounding as if he were dead for years" thing. Not much else to say about it though..

Grand Ground - This one has enough groove for me not to hate it. It has enough yelling for me not to turn it off. ...It's good anyway.

This Day. This Rain. - Well other than the creepy PV, this song doesn't have too much going for it. Mako sounds more dead than usual, which is kinda boring. I guess this is one of those songs I'll only appreciate when very, very depressed. I like it, but it doesn't speak to me at the moment.

Uh, yeah, another review! Yay! Like I said, this should be a mini-album. This would be the tracklist if I were in charge:

1. Star Baby

2. Rip Roll Soil

3. Raison D'etre

4. Follow the Night Light

5. Dim Quiet

6. Grand Ground

7. This Day. This Rain.

But, unfortunately, we have this filler. Too bad. They broke up anyways, didn't they? Well, I like this album enough to not delete it. Now we'll see about Siva and their little single-thing-whatever-they-just-released. I'll also review a few other singles, just so it'll be more to read. Until then, byebye!

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