Monday, October 23, 2006

Gazette - Regret

Long time no see, eh? Well, I'm here with a review of Gazette's Regret! Here goes.

Regret - I don't like this song. I'll be honest. The beginning is nice and sounds like it's going somewhere.. but then it just goes into Alice Nine land and flops on its back and dies. Uruha's just really unimpressive here. It's kind of irritating since I usually listen to him more. In the end, this song sounds like it's been packaged and compressed. The part where Ruki sings all fast is pretty cool, but it is short lived. And alas, we head back to crapland where the song drags around like an itchy dog.

Psychederic Heroine - What in Meevland is this?

Worthless War - I only like this because I feel I have a duty to. This sounds like generic music, but with Ruki's Rukiness on top of it. It's kinda thrown-together sounding, and some things could have been written better. I was expecting this to be a punk-style song or at least something like DISCHARGE. It ended up going down the road of nothingness instead. What happens next? Boredom. Will I listen to this in the future? Maybe.

So, in order, it goes: Boring, Irritating, Mediocre. I'll pass. Unless I end up getting used to it or something. (Or, more likely, I'll force myself to like it because it's Gazette.)


Anonymous said...

I find this review to be inaccurate and foolish. JUST LIKE YOU!

But seriously, REGRET is meant to be an easy listen. Nothing challenging about it. -shows you an interview-

Psychedelic Heroine, well, is not even from MyvLand. :[ There's actually coherent, yanno, riffs and the words can be understood. Sounds alot like a Kuroyume or SADS song to me. Especially with Ruki's Kiyoharu vocals in full bloom here. Really, there's nothing to dislike here.

Worthless War.. I think your review of this makes absolutely no sense. Thrown together? What?! o__O Do you read what you write? How exactly could it have been written better? This isn't some sad metal attempt by Mana. Road of nothingness? This song has more substance than the collective Dir en grey songs of.. uh.. 4 years?

Dammit Miz, you always have a love for something (VINNYBEACH!) that makes your music cred go to.. Myvland. >__> Boring? Written better? Nothingness? VINNY. BEACH.

Mizaki said...

Are you serious? XD This single was so boring I just.. felt so let down. This is like, AT Meev level with it's blandness. I just can't find anything to listen to in it. I just hear recycled riffs over and over.

And yes, I like Vinnybeach. Mostly because Kiyoharu's voice is nice to hear over something that isn't forced or overdone.

Unknown said...

Kazuo, I thank you for knowing how crappy Mizaki's GazettE reviews are. I no longer feel so alone.

Regret, as Kazuo said, is supposed to be an easy listen. You don't think they meant for a song like Regret to be a big break, did you?

Psychedelic Heroine is an extremely catchy song. Very retro and different from usual GazettE. Easy to dance to.

Worthless War is one of GazettE most headbang worthy songs, especially the verses. How the hell did you count this as generic music?? Uruha's solo is to die for. So, I don't get where you got "boredom" from.