Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Kozi - Loki n' Roll

Okay, kiddies, I promised a review, and here it is!

Cabinet - Weird stuff. It reminds me of Malice Mizer, alot, for some reason. I really like how it was done. It has this odd feeling to it.. can't describe it.

Loki n' Roll - This is definately a nice song to start with. Everything about it rocks so hard. Every time I listen to it I discover something new. I really like how Közi sings with more energy, now. There's alot of coolness to go around in this song. It makes me glad to know Kozi can rock out like that.

Babylo - I swear, this is one of my favorite songs now. I'm always getting into the unpopular songs.. dunno why. But anyway, everyone says this song is grating.. but I don't hear that. I think this is pretty much a nice listen. The filter sounds good, to me. The odd noises he makes here are just.. awesome. I listen to this one ALOT.

Que Sera Sera - This is the overrated song! Just like Innermost. I love it alot, though, just like Innermost. I wouldn't say this is the BEST song, but it's still...up there. There is some kind of beauty to this song that just.. amazes me, because usually Kozi-written songs are all.. whirly. ...Well, they were in Malice Mizer. His writing was very.. odd and sometimes it was perfect, and others really crappy. But now, his writing is awesome. ..But I digress. Anyways, I like the last few notes he sings in the song. It sounds grand!

Curious Nuance - The beginning is good to me, but after that, it gets kinda.. boring and run-of-the-mill Kozi. It's really odd how he can make really great songs, then the next can be so generic..

Who's Mind - What the heck is elevator music doing on a Kozi album?

Night Creature - Weird beginning. Weird vocals. Unlike alot of this album, this sounds very Kozi-like. While I'm not all... OMGLOVE with this song.. it's still good enough to hear once in a while.

The Eyes - This has got to be the best... or at least one of the best songs on this album. It has all the qualities of being addictive, and more. I'm happy to hear that he can still pull off this style, and add to it. It sounds cool like this. It would be fun to hop around to this song or something.

I'm Not - Abrupt ending song! This reminds me of Nil. The band. In the bad way. This song just doesn't appeal to me! I guess that's all there is to say about this song. Besides how this is a terrible song to end with.

And, lookie here! It's an album nobody seemed to like except die-hard Malice Mizer fans.. and me! I really don't see how so many elitist people hate this. It has so many things that can't be hated! I can see hating.. Kana.. or.. even Velvet Eden. But Kozi? Wow.

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