Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Vidoll - Deathmate

It's about time I updated. >:x

This album isn't too bad. On first listen I really didn't care for it.. With every listen I like it more. So, on to the review!

Eriza - Kinda.. too boring/cliche/bubbly to me, even now. The beginning riff is awesome. If the song went somewhere after that, I'd love it.. but it doesn't. It just fizzles due to Jui not doing anything special.

Shutdown - The bass does cool stuff in this song. At 2:36, the bass parts are so...cool... Which makes up for the semi-boring parts before it. I love this song though, because the solo is good, and Jui isn't over-doing the VK voice.

Chocoripeyes - Weird title. o_o; The song is great though. It sounds crazy.. If Gazette were behind the wheel of this song, it'd be ten times better, but Vidoll holds too much back. I can barely tell what the guitarists are doing.. It's kinda annoying. Since they're so darn loud, while the cheap synth barks into your ears. Again, Rame impresses me. The flanger doesn't save the cheapness of the synth though. >:(

Deathmate - I kinda like Deathmate.. It's good enough to listen to! Rame, for the millionth time seems to be the best player. Oh well.. I dunno why THIS is the title track though. Coulda been... y'know.. darker. :/

Kuro Neko - Filler! Skip! ...Oops the album's over. The noises during the verses really hurt my ears..

Basically, Deathmate is what I expected. A few good ones with generic filler. Glad it's a minialbum. These guys need to come up with something more spectacular, maybe by now making singles every other day.. Just do the Miyavi thing and make two each year with an album or something, rather than 80r53084834242 minialbums with type-A's and type B's with more filler. Oh well, I don't really care.

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